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The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass

A Parent’s Guide To Raising Healthy Vaccine Free Children

Everything you need to know to raise healthy, vibrant, milestone busting children. Includes detailed information on why and how to go 100% vaccine free, repair a vaccine damaged child and fight vaccine mandates.


What if you could protect your child’s health without all the inherent risks associated with vaccination?

Here are some course highlights…


  • Natural immunity vs vaccination
  • The failed history of vaccination
  • Germ theory vs terrain theory
  • Injection vs ingestion
  • Vaccine ingredients overview
  • How homeopathy was used to stop outbreaks
  • The role sanitation, plumbing and refrigeration played in mortality reduction
  • An overview of polio and all of the infections there are vaccines for
  • Vaccine failure and why outbreaks happen
  • Herd immunity
  • Vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies
  • Vaccine shedding and spreading disease to others
  • Vaccine safety testing
  • Manipulated and fabricated “science”
  • The problem with aluminum and mercury in vaccines
  • Vaccine industry legal immunity
  • CDC cover-up that vaccines cause autism
  • The role of MTHFR in vaccine injury
  • Detoxification after vaccination
  • The immunocompromised population
  • Chronic illness after vaccination
  • Vaccine injury, damage and death after vaccination
  • Autism
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Vaccine “science” and where it comes from
  • The mainstream media narrative
  • And dozens of other topics


  • A birth plan
  • Home birth vs hospital birth
  • Vitamin K
  • Breastfeeding
  • Food, nutrition and immune building
  • Supplements for health and immunity
  • A natural home is a toxic free home
  • How to talk to your pediatrician
  • How to find a vaccine free doctor
  • Homeschooling
  • How to talk to others about your vaccine status
  • Special concerns (e.g., what about chickenpox parties?)
  • If you must vaccinate (e.g., by court order)
  • What to do when a child gets sick (extensive overview)
  • When to call your primary doctor or go to the ER
  • And dozens of other topics


  • Complete overview of therapies and resources
  • Detoxification – including zeolite
  • Mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Essential dietary changes
  • Recommended supplements
  • How to find a doctor


  • How to talk with legislators
  • Social media activism
  • Creating your activist plan


If you want to really understand why and how to raise healthy, vibrant and milestone crushing children, take this free course – I made it for you!

Larry Cook


“Recently I was asked by Larry Cook to give input on adding vaccine and advocacy content to his outline for his upcoming “Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass: A Parent’s Guide To Raising Healthy Vaccine Free Children.” This series covers a number of issues parents face when opting out of the mainstream allopathic approach to health. Most of us in the vaccine risk aware and natural communities understand that true health doesn’t come through a needle. Unfortunately, many of us learned this at the expense of our injured child. But, Larry’s course can help parents get there BEFORE a child has to suffer harm! I’m greatly looking forward to seeing the series in its entirety and sharing it with other parents so they can see what their options are, and choose a path of health they feel is in the best interest of their children.”

Stephanie Stock LPTA
President of Ohio Associated for Medical Freedom


“The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass is every parent’s answer to how to raise healthy children without injecting them with poisons.  I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Larry for more than a dozen years, and when he asked me to participate in this project, I was thrilled.

The material he has come up with will provide you with everything you need. First there is discussion of the true science and process of vaccinations, from their toxic ingredients to their complete lack of efficacy. Most important, however, are the instructions for what to do once you realize that vaccinations won’t make your child healthy.

Before retiring as a Naturopath and Acupuncturist, I found that nutrition and the proper amounts of the essential nutrients are crucial for the proper functioning of our immune systems. It is a proper functioning immune system, by the way, that makes vaccinations obsolete.

I was thrilled to be able to contribute my many years experience as a scientist, researcher, and especially a nutritional, holistic clinician helping parents raise vaccine free children to assist in this project.”

Dr. Arlan Cage, ND
Naturopathic Doctor


“As more and more of our population becomes aware that the unbiased medical research and epidemiological evidence does not support the claim, that vaccines are safe and effective, parents and parents to-be are asking the question: “How do I raise a healthy, vaccine-free child?”

Raising a healthy child in this world can feel overwhelming, especially when there is so much to learn, and so much conflicting information to sort through. That is why this project is so desperately needed. Parents will receive the information they need to confidently break free from the vaccine-dependent mindset that so many of us were once prisoner to, while witnessing the amazing benefits of natural solutions.

It is my hope that this important work will serve to provide the support for all our friends and family who are questioning and searching for clarity amidst a sea of misinformation, to choose to go vaccine-free.”

~ Ashley Everly
Toxicologist | Mother | Activist | Science Writer |

The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass

1. Natural Immunity Versus Vaccination
2. What Really Saved Us From Disease?
3. Vaccine Efficacy Failure
4. Vaccine Safety Fraud
5. Vaccine “Science,” Cover-Up and Manipulation
6. Vaccine Injury Is Everywhere
7. A Healthy Family Is Your Child’s Best Defense
8. Don’t Panic When Your Child Gets Sick
9. The “Vaccine Preventable Illnesses” Explained
10. Staying Vaccine Free In A Hostile World
11. Vaccine Injury Treatment and Recovery
12. Join The Fight To End Medical Tyranny

Join The Vaccine Free Movement!

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Dr Susan Raj
Dr Susan Raj (@guest_268)
1 month ago

This is the most urgent need of the humanity today. Detox must be holistic, with integrative methods at electro molecular frequency level of the cells. Please do add Dioxygen Chloride in the detox information. Our cells are Designed to Detox and Health is an indicator of our behaviour with our Environment and Restoration of selfhealing system of our cells. Detoxification ability of the cells are maintained only by changing human behaviour with the environment, I.e. Soil, Space, Air, Fire and Water. Then only self healing ability of the cells can be maintained.
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